Saturday, July 01, 2023

The Broken

As I sat amidst the remnants of a family luncheon, the echoes of mirth and strained conversations hung heavy in the air. The easing of physical distancing, a feeble respite of this interminable pandemic, brought together relatives far and wide once more. Yet, as I strode into the room with my wife and daughter in tow, the expressions etched on the faces of my extended family were a mosaic of confusion and curiosity.

You see, as previously mentioned, Jenny is the new treasure of my life, followed closely by Kate within the year. I was blessed with both during the oppressive reign of lockdowns and quarantine measures, and thus such blessings remained veiled, known only to those within my inner circle. Instead, most of my extended family and acquaintances were of the impression that I was still married to one Grace Ng Phin Chin.

Truth be Told: Phin Chin's Perfidies

It has been nearly a decade since my divorce, a transformative event that shattered my trust and upended my world. I channelled my inner Batman and unearthed undeniable evidence of my ex-wife's adultery, her shameless affairs with a string of married co-workers. In her pursuit of novelty and selfish indulgence, Grace discarded the sanctity of our vows, disregarding the sacrifices I had made to pave the way for her bliss.

Her lack of remorse was chilling. Unapologetically, Grace callously confessed that fidelity was never a virtue she held dear in any of her previous attachments; in fact, 'MissPicit Ng' had cheated on each of her seven ‘official’ relationships before fate intertwined our lives. Obviously, such transgressions were artfully secreted throughout her courtship, preventing me from glimpsing the true disposition of this vile reprobate.

Breaks and Breakthroughs from MissPicit's Betrayals

Yet, I found reassurances in the knowledge that I had exhausted every effort to fulfil my marital obligations as a devoted husband. My conscience remained clear despite the turmoil that raged within. The breakthrough came when I stumbled upon Matthew 5:32 a revelation that granted succour and absolution from the disdain of those who deemed such dissolutions deplorable. In the face of Grace’s infidelity, my guilt was alleviated, and I reclaimed my right to happiness.

Nevertheless, the scars left by Grace’s unfaithfulness are not easily forgotten. In retrospect, I often regretted taking the high road, denying myself the sweet satisfaction of revenge against she who shattered my innocence and sanguinity. In truth, it was a decision rooted in the incessant counsel of cautious pragmatism, the inadequate inspiration for the right retribution, and unrealised promises that all punishment is merely postponed.

Such lies were permeated by those I deemed dearest to me. During those tumultuous times, I turned to my tribe for support, trusting they would rally behind me as I thirsted for any retaliation. Alas, their allegiance proved tenuous, leaving me disillusioned and doubting their loyalty. Their reluctance to aid me in navigating the tempestuous waters of my turmoil spoke volumes, exposing their cowardice that coalesce beneath the veneer of blood ties.

Reflections and Rediscoveries: Good Riddance Grace Ng

Instead, I found an unforeseen refuge, a source of comfort and renewed confidence in the realm of modern romance. Tinder became my haven. Within its embrace, I found welcome respite and rejuvenation through the many encounters with younger, appreciative companions. Though ephemeral, these connections served as a balm for my wounded spirit, affirming that my worth extended far beyond the pain of my past.

So, as I sat amidst the puzzled gazes and hushed murmurings of my distant kin, I couldn't help but ponder the intricate tapestry of life. The memories of that perfidious temptress who once shattered my beliefs haunt me still, but they no longer define me. They serve as a poignant reminder of the fragility of trust, and occasionally, the tendrils of regret snake their way into my consciousness.

But I am a survivor, an intrepid itinerant through the labyrinth of life, determined in my search for solace and perhaps some of pleasure along the way. And as I continue to navigate this intricate interlace of emotions, I am reminded that life, in all its complexities, demands that we advance and grow in spite of the shadows of our past, amid the remaining fractured fragments of trust and loyalty.

Friday, June 30, 2023

The Return

Welcome back to the world of wordiness, where the love for loquaciousness reigns supreme. In the return of the realm of redundant rambling, prolixity will be preferred and appreciated. Perplexed? Simply summon your search site of choice to illuminate any incomprehension.

In case you are a virgin to verbosity, it is my belief that nothing is better than to brighten the banalities of our being with bombastic blogging. And the unabashed abuse of Shift-F7 of course. This is my emulation of Eminem, yo!

True, a decade have drifted by, an eternity of ennui since my last literary escapade. Yet, the dormant embers of my fervour for fables upon this digital diary have been stirred to life once more! The deluge of playful prose, once roaring with uninhibited vivacity, may have dwindled in the depths of time. But with the advent of generative AI, the allure of the written word has once again beckoned me into its embrace.

But before we embark on this whimsical voyage, allow me to précis past episodes since our previous rendezvous. In the interludes of time, the wheels of fate have spun relentlessly, propelling me through a whirlwind of transformations. Job changes were aplenty, but to spare you the tedium, redirect your reading to the hallowed halls of my LinkedIn for the full accounting of my vocational metamorphosis.

The chapters that followed held trials more tantalizing and tender. I once stood at the precipice of devotion in perpetuity promised by a matrimonial knot, only to be stung by the treacherous tendrils of betrayal all good men fear. In the grander scheme of my existence, it was but a brief chapter that felt like an eternity. The painful period led me down the liberating path towards divorce, bidding farewell to the institution that once held my hopes and dreams captive.

As the fires of my faith flickered, I turned my back on the pews and prayers that once defined my days. Church and cell, once pillars of my spiritual sustenance, crumbled into insignificance, their resonance reduced to distant echoes of a forgone fervour. I found myself untethered, rebelling to roam the vast expanse of life's hedonistic offerings, making way for novel intimate discoveries and unconventional connections.

Enter the digital realm of Tinder. I, too, partook in the dance of desire, revelling in the pleasures of passionate tête-à-têtes. Indulgence became my mantra as I embarked upon an odyssey of diverse dalliances, each a brief relief for the disillusioned soul. From the cinders of conviction charred by Grace’s adulterous nature, the sparks of my own allure and charm previously unappreciated reignited into a blazing inferno, like a phoenix rising from the ashes of heartache.

My journey also led me to expanded frontiers as I explored a plethora of alternative activities, from the playful sweat of Ultimate Frisbee in air-conditioned arenas to the untamed wilderness of outdoor escapades beneath the celestial canopy. I even scaled the heights of wall climbing to conquer both literal and metaphorical barriers. A dabbling with side hustles captivated me as well, a venture that allowed me to immerse myself in the kaleidoscope of world wonders.

Oh, the stories I could regale you with, but time is an impatient usher, urging me onward to the next feature in this unconventional chronicle.

Amidst the transient affairs, fate unveiled a chapter both cherished and unexpected. A Tinder matchmaker became the harbinger of a yearning rekindled. The serendipitous match introduced me to Jenny, my future wife. With vows exchanged and hearts intertwined, I embarked upon the sacred journey of matrimony once more, binding our lives together in a tapestry of shared dreams and (hopefully) steadfast dedication.

While entrenched in the new normal of lockdowns and remote work, God bestowed upon us the most precious of gifts previously denied with Grace (thankfully). The joyous cries of a newborn filled the air, heralding the birth of another chapter – a testament to the love that thrived amidst the life’s turmoil. I am thus plunged into the uncharted territories of parenthood, where sleep becomes a coveted treasure and each milestone a triumph to be celebrated. 

The years have bequeathed me a glut of experiences and emotions that I crave to canonize once more. As I embark on this resplendent resurgence, armed with generative AI and a penchant for witty wordplay, I invite you to bear witness to the triumphs and tribulations that have shaped my being yet again. Together, let us weave a wall of wordplay that aim to enthral and uplift, where whimsy and profundity coalesce into a labyrinth of literary enchantment.