Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Speculation

Although blogs range from a collection of mindless photo journals to an anthology of outstanding daily chronicles to a compilation of thought provoking pieces, there seem to be a mutual attribute that ascend online journals from the sea of mediocrity: format consistency; regular updates; and constant up-keeping. Obviously, mine feature neither of these.

It’s been more than a fortnight since my last post, yet I have refrained from adding any interesting insights of mine to my previous post, disappointing many I’m sure. Well I guess this epitomize the direction for the rest of my writings: I write for pleasure, not for pressure. Then again, don’t hold it against me if I amend my position when my fan-base increases in magnitude.

In spite of the title of this web-waste, procrastination did not rear its ugly head throughout most tempting times. Instead of composing paragraphs of nonsensical ideas and opinions like a true procrastinator would, I found myself engrossing myself with paragraphs of relevant concepts and procedures in the form of official manuals over my last fortnight at work.

However, this does not denote the absence of thought and its subsequent desire to express them. In fact I’ve been mulling over this latest entry for days now yet I can’t seem to convey the vague ideas into actual words. It doesn’t help too when I procrastinate so much. Hey, don’t blame me. Consider the sheer number of luxuries I can indulge in. Besides, being the procrastinator I am, isn’t it generally accepted to find me procrastinating from procrastination?

So maybe I’ll stop blogging and let it die a natural death…

On second thought, maybe I should weather this mental impediment and persevere on. Too many a time have I preached to others on the healthiness of blogging. A firm believer of the psychological benefits of intrapersonal communication, all the encouragements to friends to continue in their endeavours of online journaling would be put into disrepute should I not practice the same. Heck, I’ll be labelled as a hypocrite.

With that, hopefully another post of a banal, poor attempt on self-discovery will emerge on this page again. Don't hold your breaths though, as I have just begun my journey towards traditional self actualization, otherwise known as another phase in my latest project. Who knows? Maybe in another procrastinating moment I might actually compose something astounding to avoid working on an all important report due the next day.

Till next time, God bless. God bless us all.