Friday, May 04, 2007

The Final Resolution

That does it.

Despite the monetary bribery, I still hate my job.

It doesn’t help that the day didn’t start off too well I guess. I was stuck in a two hour meeting that turned into one long lecture where I was constantly used as the scapegoat. It was my fault, since the ‘consultant’ changed her mind AFTER I obtained her approval on my proposal.

So in return, as the title suggests, I am dedicating this blog to the procrastination of all my work.

For the benefit of those of you not in the know,

Cunctation - the act of procrastinating; putting off or delaying or deferring an action to a later time
Contraption - a device that is very useful for a particular job
Cunctation Contraption - an online journal of mindless ramblings for one to avoid work

Hence, this is the meaning of blogging to me. This is the direction I intend to take.

Just to pass the time away.