Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Contravention of Convention

Today happened to be one of those days when I yearned to be lounging at home, sipping on a cold drink while watching the rest of the second season of Prison Break. Yes, it is one of those lazy days that plague the working man, despite the piling of tasks to do.

So, I resorted to blogging to pass the day. It is fool proof. To the casual colleague passing by my station, I appear to be intently focused on writing something on my laptop; maybe an email or an urgent report. Something. Anything. But official. *grins mischievously*

The problem is, every time I sit in front of my computer, I find my self staring at a blank screen, trying to conjure up a piece and failing on each occasion. Even when I have something in mind, essays end up unfinished despite countless attempts to complete at least one.

This made me reminisce all the times I started on a project enthusiastically, only for this flame of fervour sputter and extinguish eventually, leaving only ashes of memories to be blown away by the fleeting mind. (Too much?)

So, with my mind shutting down, this is the only crap I can come out with unfortunately.

I am a Jack of all trades but Master of none.
I have the ambition of a scholar but none of the intelligence.
I have the determination of a sportsman but none of the talents.
I have the aspirations of a gentleman but none of the charm.
I have the heart of a musician but none of the skills.
I have the spirit of an artist but none of the flair.
I have the soul of a poet but none of the wit.